Coworking (or Co-working) is a work model that is based on the sharing of spaces and office resources, bringing together people who work not necessarily for the same company or in the same area of business. He may also include independent professions.
It is a way for many professionals to solve the problem of "work from home" isolation.
People and businesses that use coworking also use this work model to establish business relationships where they offer and / or contract services to each other. Some of these relationships also aim to encourage the emergence and development of group ideas and projects.
Coworking practices bring this model closer to the cooperatives, where the focus is not only on profit but also on welfare and mutual success.

LINK Cowork & Business is a synergy of three friends and partners is previous projects, Ivone Cruz, Bruno Morais and Bruno Martins. Armed with the will to undertake and contribute to the growth of the city that has always welcomed them: Viana do Castelo.
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